Thursday, November 18, 2010


1. Bernice Chan ; Thankyou for pei-ing me go recess .. and be my fwen .
2. ZhuJuan ; ThankYouFor being My nUer
3. Briant Toh ; thankyou for being my di .
4. Iris ; Thankyou for being my friend when i nid 1 .
5. Martin ; thankyou for being my erzi and playing wif me when i'm  totally bored ...
6.Jokers , Thanks For Making Me laugh like madd .
7. MR ONG ! THANKYOU FOR BEING MY FORM TEACHER ... TEACHING ME SO MUCH , EVEN I DIDN't Really improve , but i think you did ur best ! Thankyouu !!!

Thankyou , LoveYarhs ....

Priscilla Jieh ; Dunn forget me pls , i really enjoy the time wif you :} but now , u are leaving the school , quite sad luhh :( pls dunn forget me ! Thankyou for being my precious jiehh ♥

Cheryl Jieh ; Jiehh , Dont forget me :} I wunn forget you de <3<3<3 I really nid to thank you for being my baobei sweetheart jiehh <3<3<3 Wish you good luckk , Thankkyouuu <33♥

Lewei Jiehh ; Dunn forget me , i wont forget you <3<3<3 we were gans since not long ago , it has been abt 1 month to 2 mths , Thankyou for being my jiehh (: wish uu can go to ur dream school , ♥

Vegas Jieh ; Jiehhh , we were just 2 daes , me learn alot of things from you , thankyou for being my jiehh>.<

AmandaSexy ; Thank you for being my sexyy . The time we slack-ed is not long , but i really enjoy it , you might not lyke me , but i understand .... dunn forget me <3<3<3♥

Felcia Jieh ; We have been sisters for 3 to 5 months le . We really nid to chat more <3 do you rmb the daes we played sa wif kelly jiejie ? i really nid you guys to be around wif me :) so thankkyouverymuch <3<3<3♥

KellyJieh ; We were not been chatting for a long long time . Nvm , last LONG . i love you <3<3♥

Angelina : Jieh , our relation is not deep , we didn't chat for quite a long time (: hehes , but last long toos ! REALLYLOVE<3<3<3 LOVECAN'TBEFAKED

Adeline Jieh ; saw you a few daes ago , quite chio uhhs , so stay chio and good luckkkk <3 ♥

JoanneMarmie ; Just now played wif you , thankyou , wish me good luck for my nx years PSLE , thankyou marmie , i enjoy playing wif you alot ! thankyou<3<3<3

Valorie Jieh ; We were not long ! but can last right ??? remeber me arhhs . dunn forget me , i miss you ttm !

Yiting : Jieh , juz now touch me at my back , hahas , i love you <3<3 lastlong ♥

JasmineJiehh ; not long , but i really love you alot <3<3<3 thankyou for being my jiehh♥

Shuting Jiehh ; Yoyo , long time no chatt arhs ? must remeber me , i will remeber you toos <3<3<3 Thankkkyouu ! ! ♥